








In the western suburbs of Wuxi City, in order to Xishan, Hyesan name. Including the full and Hyesan Dong Lu Xishan, and connect the two mountains Ying Lake. Xihui Park put the two mountains into one park, rich in content, has been demonstrated in various dynasties in Southern history and culture monuments, popular with many vivid cultural legend.

Huishan ancient times known as Wa Shan, Li Shan, Xi Zhao Shan, according to legend the Western Regions according to the monks have been living here for benefits, so called after the Tang esan. Mountain Jiufeng, winding, such as dragons, also known as the Kowloon Hills. Peaks near 330 meters high. World famous for the second spring, such as longan spring dozen springs, so called Huiquan Hill.

Xishan is broken veins protruding Huishan Higashimine Department, a high mountain is only 75 meters, according to legend, when Zhou-Qin rich in tin, hence the name. Also Chuan-Qin army was in this pot and cook uncovered when the boulders, there are two Jiyu: "There is tin soldiers, the world is indisputable; Wuxi, Nanjing, the world is flat." Han Tin dried up, so that this county is named Wuxi, proverb that "Wuxi Wuxi Xishan Mountain." Xishan is a pearl on the Jiulongshan leader. Dragon on top of minarets Xishan, Wuxi, the city's landscape is one of the symbols.

Xihui Park Huashan from the ancient gate admission, can reach Hui Shansi, Chi Chang Yuan, and the world second spring and so on. Here is the essence of the whole park. Hui Shansi is one of the southern temples, was built in Southern and Northern Dynasties. Qing Emperor Qianlong's southern tour, several tour Hyesan, the pro-book "Hui Shansi" plaque, incense strong. The main attractions are the Tang and Song Jing Zhuang, King Hall, snow bridges, sun, moon pool and imperial tablets pavilions and so on. Into the fold of ancient China Gate East, becomes the "Send Chang Garden." The park in the Yuan dynasty when two Sengfang, the name "South hidden", "Ou blending." Ming Masanori years, when Bingbushangshu Qin Jin Rui Dismissed from Office, the return home will be here to open the park, the name "Wind Valley Bank's nest", and later renamed "Chi Chang Yuan." Reign of Emperor Kangxi (1684), including the Stones diversion, step by step was King, there are many paintings, Chi Chang Yuan more perfect.

Chi Chang Yuan's eastern side is a narrow north-south pool, the name Kam Wui Yi. Corridors around the pool with pool. Corridors powder wall inlaid with leaking window. Liu Jiaoting in the middle of the gallery, An stood stone table, stone stool, the Qianlong Emperor Legend has it that a game of chess with the local monks. Gallery at the end there is 19 ridges cornices of the pavilion, were "know that the fish threshold," visitors can at this the opposite direction Guan Yu. Deep forest at the north pool, eight tones stream bearing Erquan flowing water, spring ding-dong sound. Park trees dominated the western Zeyi rockery. Taihu Shi Lei Cheng's "nine lions Taiwan", can determine their imagination to find prance, supine, posture, different lion. Chi Chang Yuan and Hyesan Jiufeng, Xishan Long connected into a minaret, a landscape architecture in the successful example of the way through the King. Qing Emperor Kangxi and Qianlong Emperor tour the park later, ordered the Summer Palace in Beijing, built in imitation of a country in this forest, called "harmonic walled."

That benefits the world second spring spring, also known as Lu Zi-Quan. This spring drilled in the first year of the Tang-ta-li to twelve years (766 ~ 777 years). Water Ganxiang weight slip. Well-known experts in China's ancient tea ceremony, Tang dynasty Lu Yu in his "Tea", the 20 items that the world is water, and so on, benefit spring for the world second spring. Huizong, this water has become a tribute. After the Tang and Song dynasties, some well-known poets traveled frequently to come here, leaving behind a lot of praise for this spring poem Since then, the world-famous second-largest spring, this spring is divided into upper, middle and lower 3 He. Quan on "the world second spring" stone. Is the Qing Dynasty by the Board of Civil Yuanwai Lang Wang Shu-Shu. On the octagonal pool, water quality the best, pour over the tea cup does not overflow a few millimeters. Water color transparent, willing to cleanse and delicious. In the pool square, built with spring pavilion. Under the rectangular pool, deep in the Song Dynasty. Here is Erquan Pavilion, Yi-Lan Tang, Jing Hui Tang and the Ming Dynasty Guanyin stone, Chi the first and so on. King Hui of tea sitting in church, the taste of tea and with Erquan blisters and enjoy the scenery around Erquan, stone Chi in the first, the springs gurgling out of the mouth from the Chi, ding-dong sound. Folk musician blind Bing (Hua Yanjun), was in this for "op" Erhu music, melodious tunes, Ruqirusu, more so Erquan reputation far and wide the world.

From the Erquan Pavilion north, as well as in the Qing Dynasty bamboo stove mountain room, autumn Hall, cloud, etc. from floor. Autumn Rain Church structure compact, quaint furnishings, the film "family" has been shooting here. To listen to the vicinity of Songjeong also Erquan. Kiosk one bronze boulders, flat smooth, one person may be lying, saying, "Shi Chuang." End engrave a "listening to the pines," the word is written by the Tang Dynasty calligrapher Li Yang of ice. Tang Dynasty Pi Rixiu have often come here and listen to the Voice of Greenfield, leaving the "front of palace Higurashi high wind, the pine nuts sound of playing Shi Chuang," once said.

Xihui Park Azalea Park is a park in the garden. To build a compact, decent layout, You Jing Bridge, Xuan pavilion break and, planted the world the name Juan. During flowering, Colorful azaleas, bloom, became a sea of flowers. Rhododendron Yuanyuan In the Picture Lake in south-west slopes, are mainly ornamental rhododendron flower garden Wuxi.

There are drunk red slope, Qinfang Stream, Kam Tong, wander corridors and other attractions. Garden planted more than 300 varieties of various types of rhododendron.

Whenever the late spring azaleas are blooming, cloud steam-Xia Wei, flower-decked. Other seasons are also beautiful landscape, there are weeping willows Jiangnan-Tau mood, Blue Grass fragrance of mountain fun, green banana powder wall of the courtyard a small scene. Begonia pool, stream of Niao-tail, forest, red maple, windows Shichiku between, all equipped with plant delivered, thought-provoking. Therefore, this garden won first prize for excellent design the Ministry of Construction.

In addition, the Xishan minarets on top of the dragon, the dragon temple, mountain at the end of the dragon light holes, the Foolish Old Man Valley, Nine Dragon Wall, the zoo, as well as Ying-Bing Mountain Lake tomb, has attracted numerous Chinese and foreign tourists, in this open-air Museum of History, people can see the brilliant splendor of the Jiangnan culture.




















推荐路线: 锡惠公园+惠山古镇+东林书院+薛福成故居+无锡古运河+南长街





7:00 交通: 根据所在地点乘坐合适的交通工具前往八达岭长城(如高速直达公交车、地铁、旅行社巴士、动车S2线等)

交通时间: 约1小时30分钟,路程约80公里

8:00 玩景点: 锡惠公园

景点亮点介绍: 锡惠公园是集众多的文物古迹和舒适的休闲游乐于一体的综合性大型园林,有天下第二泉、寄畅园、惠山寺著名的景点。3月有花神节活动,百花巡游、百花展等,4月有杜鹃花节。

门票参考: 120元/人

游玩时间: 约2小时

10:00 游玩景点: 惠山古镇

景点亮点介绍: 惠山古镇在锡惠公园外面,两个景区是相连的。惠山古镇集人文之粹,得山水之美。千百年来,一直是本邑民众的精神家园和游历之地。核心庇护区内祠庙文化、名人文化、泉茶文化、园林文化、泥人文化等汇集于此,素有“露天博物馆”及“文化宝库”之美誉。

门票参考: 免费

游玩时间: 约2小时

12:00 午餐:可以在惠山古镇小吃一条街解决午餐


用餐时间: 约1小时

13:00 交通:用完午餐可乘坐交通工具前往东林书院 (15路、87路、地铁2号线、611路/4路/83路一地铁2号线、610路/208路一地铁2号线等,打车约13元)

交通时间: 约40分钟,路程约4.7公里 (打车约13分钟)

13:40 游玩景点: 东林书院

景点亮点介绍: 东林书院曾是明代东林党人讲学、议论国事的地方,东林党领袖顾宪成提出的“风声雨声读书声声声入耳,家事国事天下事事事关心”家喻户晓。书院闹中取静,至今依然保持着书香气息和读书处该有的清静。

门票参考: 5元/人

游玩时间: 约1.5小时

15:10交通: 乘坐交通工具前往薛福成故居 (打车约10元)

交通时间: 建议打车前往,约7分钟到达,路程约1.8公里

15:20 游玩景点: 福成故居


门票参考: 25元/人

游玩时间: 约1.5小时 (17:00闭园)

17:00交通:乘坐交通工具前往无锡古运河 (40路/135路、27路/508路、703路/81路/79路、51路、3路区间打车约10元)

交通时间: 约21分钟,路程1.6公里(打车约6分钟)

17:30 游玩景点: 无锡古运河

景点亮点介绍: 无锡古运河以吴桥经西水墩、南门至清名桥这个河段是最具江南水乡风情,被誉为“江南水弄堂,运河绝版地”。无论是白天还是傍晚,古运河都是一幅水墨江南画卷的模样,尤其是夜晚,沿岸的江声、灯影、古桥、民居构成了一幅天然的古运河"民俗风情水上画廓”。路线:南禅寺码头/跨塘桥码头一 (途经) 江南水弄堂一大桥一清名桥一(游览)无锡群遗址博物馆清名桥一大公桥码头一 (游览) 中国丝业博物馆 (终点)

游船门票: 70元/人

参观时间: 全程1小时左右,每半小时一班

18:30 游玩景点: 南长街


晚餐可以在这里解决游玩时间: 1.5小时

20:00 结束行程,返回酒店或家中

